Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Hope and Freedom

There is joy in writing again.  I know my writing will expand to include subjects beyond nutrition, but I feel pulled in the direction of a regular blog about this particular part of my practice.

I do believe that this company was Divinely created.  I do!  Those who know me, know that my faith defines me.  It is faith that carried me through the very dark years, and it is faith that changed a messed up, angry young woman with a past, into the work-still-in-progress today.  I fought back the darkness and stayed focused on the light.  He never left me.  He never let me down.   He has shown more grace and mercy than I deserve, because that is how He operates...

He brought me to Isagenix, and to a company that defied all odds because of the people who put experience and integrity into practice.  What makes our products different?  The master formulator.  What makes our company different? The vision of experienced leaders and a culture of love and family.

I don't sell products.  I have never pushed anyone into anything.  I don't have to.  The products sell themselves within days of trying them.  I share a belief and a passion.  That's it.

If there is anything I sell, it is HOPE...

People are sick, and they are crying for relief.  They are tired and cranky.  They are hurting physically and emotionally.  They are strapped financially.  I was all of those things, too.  Even as someone who has promoted health my entire career. Nothing has changed more lives as quickly as Isagenix.

I also sell FREEDOM!

Freedom from worry and financial stress.
Freedom from fatigue.
Freedom from debilitation.
Freedom from malnutrition (even as we over feed ourselves)
Freedom from physical symptoms that we weren't ever designed to experience in a first world country.

The BEST part though, is the people I continue to meet.  They are hungry for answers.  We have them.  I have a team that wants to help for all the right reasons.  We are growing and expanding as people, and we are sharing what we learn... because we truly want to help.

The last year and a half has been an unbelievable time for me personally, and I am so very grateful.  It has cost me a few things, and some relationships along the way, but I have gained so much more.  The opportunity to make a difference, to do God's work, and to continue to evolve as a person and a professional.  Priceless... absolutely priceless...

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